Monday 19 September 2011

Welcome to the Double Cross League!

Now that fall is upon us and the summer racing seasons are coming to a close, it is time to shift the attention from the road to softer, more forgiving surfaces.  It is time to rip it up, test out the legs, leave it all out on the course, enjoy the fruits of your summer labour, and set a baseline for the winter training months.  Yes, you'll be stronger next year but now is not the time for structured training.  Now is the time for mud, sweat, and tears.  Now is the time for a little Double Cross.

The purpose of both Cyclocross and Cross Country are the same.  Leave all your gadgets at home, forget about heart rate zones and pace, just work as hard as possible for a very short period of time.

The Double Cross League has no registration fees, no need for insurance, no membership dues, and no races of its own.  Double Cross League points will be awarded for participation at any Cross Country or Cyclocross event on Vancouver Island that is open to all age categories.

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